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Stover VI Form Information and Careers

VI Form Pathways

These are some of the ways our Pathways programme supports our Sixth Form:

  • Weekly ‘Pathways’ activity.
  • 1-1 support from tutors and careers advisors.
  • Talks and drop-in sessions with universities and Employers.
  • Use of guidance resources, INVESTIN Education, Unifrog, and the UCAS website.
  • OPPIDAN Education tailored support and interview guidance with specialist applications, including Oxbridge, medicine, veterinary and dentistry.
  • Conservatoires, apprenticeship, school leaver programmes, application.
  • UCAS Conference whole day event.
  • Apprenticeships Conference at Sandy Park.
  • A weekly UCAS/applications drop-in session.
  • Access to MOOCS, OU and INVESTIN Education for application enrichment.
  • A Star Future – Information and support on International University Applications via external speaker.
  • Information via GC about initiatives, courses, webinars in various fields I.e: medicine, engineering, STEM.

Pathways Sessions enable our Sixth Formers to:

  • Explore subjects, opportunities and participate in, and lead activities, whole school and house events.
  • Reflect on activities and competencies and describe these, ready for use in applications.
  • Develop the sought-after employability skills to equip them for the changing world of work – delivering assemblies (public speaking), committing to a range of personal development and leadership opportunities, demonstrating reliability and responsibility through the duties programme. Delivering a Ted X Talk.
  • Research the many options of degrees, non-university options, GAP Years, and apprenticeships; to determine which pathway is right for them.
  • Complete application forms, including UCAS, and for apprenticeships.
  • Write a personal statement, factoring in key guidance from university admissions teams.
  • Prepare and practise for interviews, on-line, video, telephone or face-to face.
  • Research gap year opportunities

External Speakers

Our Sixth Form students benefit from a range of speakers and guests to help inform and inspire them. These events are constantly evolving and tailored to meet the needs of our cohorts.

Jason Button – Army Forces careers

Study Abroad – A Star Future

Parental Talks

Animal Aid Charity Talk

Oxford Business School

Apprenticeships UK

Project Trust – GAP year options

NHS Apprenticeships

Engineering and the Navy

Ben Smith – Inspirational speaker and 401 challenge

Action to Prevent Suicide

Devon Air Ambulance

‘Just Like Us’ LGBT+

The Royal Air Force careers

Oxbridge Tutors and Interview practice

External Careers Advisor appointments

Peer Mentoring

At the beginning of the academic year our students are attached to a KS3 Form Tutor group. They deliver a cycle of events each Thursday morning.

Week 1 – Preparation of material based on ‘Themes of the Week’.

Week 2 – Delivery of presentation.

Week 3 – Social time with the Form group, organising games, leading discussions on school issues and generating feedback for SLT.

Through this structure, the students develop their leadership, public speaking, debate reasoning, empathy, responsibility, and ability to liaise with staff.

Academic Progress

In addition to our whole school reporting structure, our Sixth Formers progress is tracked by the VI Form Tutor team through:

Academic Progress review – Spring term Yr 12

Academic UCAS review – Summer term Yr 12

Post-Trial Examination Progress Review – Spring term Yr 13

Qualification Opportunities

Safeguarding Level 1 Training

First Aid Training

Sport Leaders Level 2 and 3 Programmes

EPQ Qualification and 1-1 Tutor support

Learn 2 Live Driver awareness course and follow up session

ELEVATE study skills sessions

ELEVATE ‘Ace Your Exams’ Post -trial examination support

Wells Heads of School Leadership Conference

Enrichment and Social Events

Our VIth Form have three celebratory events each year.

  • The Stover Snowball – A formal beautiful evening with canapes, meal and dancing.
  • Easter Celebration – A beautiful 3 course meal at the Hare and Hounds restaurant with ‘Secret Easter Bunny’ gifting.
  • Stover Fest – Our own interpretation of Glastonbury, with fireworks, games, dancing and hog roast on the beautiful terraces overlooking Haytor.

Sixth Form Socials’

Every half term we run a social event such as:

Pizza and bowling night out.

Curry Night out.

Mocktails and Burger night out.

Crazy golf and fish and chips on the beach night out.

Chinese New Year night out.

Year 13 Final Farewell and Lunch

On the day that Year 13 begin their study leave, we celebrate on the steps on mansion house with bubbles and scones to wish them well. We then treat them to a ‘Farewell lunch’ at restaurants such as The Boathouse, Double Locks, and On the Waterfront.

Activity Week

The Sixth Form enjoy an action-packed week of adventure as a reward for their efforts throughout the year. Our new Year 12 students are invited as part of their induction, to form friendships that will take them through their senior years at Stover and beyond. Activities include:

Surfing at Bigbury and Lusty Glaze beach

Outdoor and indoor escape rooms

Aquapark and ringo riding

Go Karting and Laser Tag

Private mackerel fishing charters

Snow tubing

Clay pigeon shooting

The Bear Trail

Paddleboarding tours around Salcombe


September Induction

We start of the year in style as we mean to go with a day teambuilding at River Dart Adventures. We then have a study skills session, a welcome lunch at a local restaurant and go bowling on Friday afternoon ready to start lessons in earnest on the first Monday.