Book a place on the upcoming Whole School Open Day on 12th October by clicking on the link to the right. Everyone is welcome!

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Meet the Head

Welcome to Stover Preparatory School. We are a school where academic and personal development go hand-in-hand.

Here, your child will develop in a safe and secure environment, one where our staff really do go above and beyond to get to know each and every pupil. It is this nurturing environment that allows children to not only enjoy school but also to take risks with their learning, without fear of failure. Only by taking such risks, will children be able to truly become the best that they can be.

At Stover, we seek to ‘prepare’ our pupils for the future and do so by offering a broad and balanced curriculum: one where the Arts and Sport are encouraged alongside English, Mathematics, Science and Computing. Furthermore, we place great emphasis on the development of personal skills including communication, problem–solving, risk management, resilience and leadership, whilst also focusing on developing the skills of public speaking; culminating in all children sitting an English Speaking Board examination in Year 5.

We also believe that it is our job to ‘inspire’ pupils, facilitating a lifelong love of learning. To this end, our teachers plan and teach engaging and stimulating lessons both in and outside of the classroom, and are always seeking to provide those ‘WOW’ experiences and a safe space for children to ask questions and extend their learning. Children are given the opportunity and time to discover and investigate whilst working with their class teachers, as well as specialists in Music, Drama, Sport, Home economics, Singing and Languages

Pupils’ study skills in the Prep school are excellent, as they engage in thinking of a high order, enabled by the open-ended research and presentation tasks given to them. ISI Inspection

We are blessed with having 64 acres of land at Stover and we utilise this to support and enhance learning experiences as often as possible; ranging from poetry in the classroom, outdoor maths and pond dipping in Science, through to storytime and the learning of survival skills in our Forest school; all pupils, from Reception to Year 6 have Forest School as part of their curriculum.

Children can take part in a range of after school activities in Reception through to Year 6. These include sports clubs as well as ICT, Quiz club, Fencing, Judo, Clay Pigeon, Orchestra, Arts and Crafts, Philosophy, Eco club, Mindfulness, Orchestra, Chess, Writers, Construction and even Zumba!

We are a friendly, caring and supportive school with an active parent body – the ‘Friends of Stover’ who meet on a regular basis.

You are very welcome to join us for one of our Open Days where your children can join in activities whilst you meet staff and have a tour around the school. Alternatively, if you would like to visit us individually then please do contact us to arrange.

We look forward to meeting you.