You are warmly invited to our next Open Day on October 12th 2024 - Click 'Read More' to book

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Safeguarding our school community is our utmost priority and is led from Governor level down to all staff and other adults that are on the school site. The school promotes a caring, positive, safe and nurturing environment that encourages the personal, social and moral growth in our pupils.

We recognise that things do happen in all settings and at times, Stover School will be required to report concerns and work with external agencies. There may be occasions where we may contact external agencies without notifying parents. In these circumstances, we will be acting in the best interest of the child’s safety.

Stover School’s safeguarding team ensures that safeguarding legislation and guidance are adhered to and considered when reviewing policies and training staff. The safeguarding team works closely alongside Devon County Council and is annually audited. The school’s safeguarding policy is updated annually. Safeguarding Policy

All staff and volunteers are vetted according to our safer recruitment policy to determine that they are suitable to work with children. Safer Recruiting Policy

Our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is Helen Notman. You can contact our DSL on 01626 354505 or 07710093867.

Report and Safeguarding Concern

If you have a safeguarding concern please contact:

  • Designated Safeguarding Lead – Helen Notman
  • Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead – Ben Noble
  • Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (EYFS DSL) – Sharron Humphries
  • Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (Boarding) – Ben Steer
  • Via

If it is an emergency and a child is at immediate risk of harm and, please call 999

If you wish to anonymously report a safeguarding concern please use the ‘TELL US’ Button.

Tell Us


If you have a safeguarding concern out of school hours, please contact the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) for your area:

Devon MASH: 0845 6000 388 (out of hours) 0345 155 1077

To refer using a MASH request for support form click here form

Plymouth MASH
01752 345984 (out of hours)
01752 668000

Torbay MASH
01803 208 100
0300 456 4876 (out of hours)


All pupils and staff adhere to the ICT Acceptable User Policy. Pupils are required to sign the acceptable user policy. As a school we will share information with parents and pupils about being safe on line using the National Online Safety guides.

National Online Safety are an “independent online safety training provider founded by three fathers on a mission to keep children safe online. We believe that through our engaging Online Safety training and resources for school staff, parents and children, we can make a difference. It is our mission to educate and empower trusted adults with the information they need to engage in meaningful dialogue between children and young people about the online world, their online activities and the ever-evolving risks that they are exposed to. We focus on both general online safety risks and platform specific risks to provide adults with easy to follow information which enables conversations between adults and children.”

ChildLine can support staying safe online and will provide advice if things have been shared by a pupil inadvertently or when something that has been shared is being used to bully a pupil. For more information click here.

PUPILS – How to keep yourself safe

All pupils at Stover School have the right to feel safe both in and outside of school. If you feel unsafe or you are concerned about another pupil it is important that you know who to contact. Your concerns will always be taken seriously.

There are a number of staff, that you may like to talk to:

  • Your class teacher or form tutor
  • Your Key Stage Leader
  • One of your class teachers
  • One of the Teaching/Learning Support Assistants
  • School Matron/School Counsellor/Health and Wellbeing Mentor EMAIL LINKS?
  • Any adult at school

If you would like to report something anonymously please use the button here. Tell Us

You can contact ChildLine about anything. Childline

If you are worried about an image that you have posted then you can use the REPORT REMOVE link here.

There may be times when the situation you, or a friend is in, may be very serious such as

  • Neglect – where your basic needs are not being met
  • Physical abuse – violence
  • Sexual abuse
  • Emotional abuse
  • Child-on-child abuse
  • Substance abuse
  • Sexting
  • Someone is promoting extreme views
  • Female Genital Mutilation
  • Where a child is being taken advantage of sexually – child sexual exploitation
  • Where a child is being taken advantage of criminally – child criminal exploitation
  • Contraception and pregnancy

If a serious event has occurred please discuss with an adult that you trust or a member of the safeguarding team.

  • Mrs Notman, Assistant Head Pastoral and Designated Safeguarding Lead
  • Mr Noble, Head of Preparatory School and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
  • Mrs Humphries, EYFS Manager and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (EYFS DSL)
  • Mr Steer, Houseparent and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (Boarding)

You can email at

KOOTH.COM – emotional health
CHILDLINE – 0800 1111
SAMIRITANS – mental health, bereavement, suicide
YOUNG MINDS – Mental Health
PAPYRUS – HOPELINK 0800 068 41 41 Prevention of young suicide
PETE’S DRAGONS – suicide loss
JEREMIAH’s JOURNEY – bereavement
WINSTON’S WISH – bereavement
BEAT – eating disorder
STEM 4 – supporting teenage mental health
ThinkUKnow – sexual abuse and sexual exploitation
Safer Devon – sexual violence ad domestic violence and abuse


We are here to support you as a family with a child at Stover School. We encourage you to contact school should there be something of a safeguarding concern happening in your family.

  • Mrs Notman, Assistant Head Pastoral and Designated Safeguarding Lead
  • Mr Noble, Head of Preparatory School and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
  • Mrs Humphries, EYFS Manager and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (EYFS DSL)
  • Mr Steer, Houseparent and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (Boarding)

You can email at

Sometimes targeted help from outside of school is needed via Early Help – Early HELP Devon.

Children may experience some adverse experiences and you may need to seek professional help from specialists.

KOOTH.COM – emotional health

CHILDLINE – 0800 1111

SAMARITANS – mental health, bereavement, suicide

YOUNG MINDS – Mental Health

PAPYRUS – HOPELINK 0800 068 41 41 Prevention of young suicide

PETE’S DRAGONS – suicide loss

JEREMIAH’s JOURNEY – bereavement

WINSTON’S WISH – bereavement

BEAT – eating disorder

STEM 4 – supporting teenage mental health

ThinkUKnow – sexual abuse and sexual exploitation

Kinship – kinship care charity

Safer Devon – sexual violence and domestic violence and abuse

National Autistic Society

DIAS – Devon Information Advice and support for SEND