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Preparatory Curriculum

We offer a broad and balanced curriculum that is based on the National Curriculum but not restricted by it. Extensive use is made of our fabulous historic grounds and of the outstanding local area in which we are situated.

“At Stover School, we care for every child as an individual and strive to meet children’s needs, both educationally and pastorally, so that they achieve the highest possible academic standards that they are capable of. We offer an enriched curriculum, giving children opportunities and experiences of a very wide and diverse range of subjects in order to inspire their creativity, increase their enjoyment, develop their passions and to engender the love of life-long learning.”

Sport plays a key role in the curriculum and after English and Mathematics, has the highest weekly time allocation. Our peripatetic teachers offer a wealth of options in music, tennis, ballet and drama. Stover has a fine musical tradition. Preparatory School pupils have their own Choir and they have the chance to perform at various events throughout the year including: Harvest festival, Nativity, Carol Service (held in Exeter Cathedral) as well as local music festivals. All pupils have art, drama, singing and music lessons each week and school productions are a highlight of the year. Year 5 pupils also sit an English Speaking Board examination.

Extensive use is made of our fabulous historic grounds and of the outstanding local area in which we are situated.

Spanish, French and German conversation are taught, with Spanish introduced in Reception, French in Year 3 and German in Year 5. Home Economics is taught in Year 6 with pupils making use of the excellent facility in the Senior School.

We have an extensive sports fixtures list with U9 and U11 pupils having ample opportunity to represent their school. Team sports include rugby, football, cricket, hockey, netball and rounders. Individual sports offered include athletics, swimming, cross country, tennis, golf and horse riding.

Educational visits, adventure days, activity days and a residential camp supplement our curriculum and are enjoyed by pupils of all ages.