You are welcome to join us for our next whole school Open Morning on March 8th at 10 am. Click 'Read More' to book your place.

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Our new Edexcel GCSE qualification will inspire the next generation of students in forming personal and meaningful relationships with music through the development of musical knowledge, understanding and skills. Students will be encouraged to engage critically and creatively with a wide range of music, develop an understanding of the place of music in different cultures and contexts, and reflect on how music is used in the expression of personal and collective identities.

Component 1: Performing 30% NEA

2 performances

  • Solo – minimum 1 piece – minimum 1 minute
  • Ensemble – minimum 1 piece – minimum 1 minute
  • Together total minimum of 4 minutes across the solo and ensemble pieces

Minimum total 2 pieces 30 marks each Total of 60 marks.

Component 2: Composing 30% NEA

2 compositions

  • 1 to set brief – minimum 1 minute
  • 1 free composition – minimum 1 minute
  • Together total minimum of 3 minutes

2 pieces 30 marks each Total of 60 marks

Component 3: Appraising 40% Exam

4 Areas of Study with 2 Set Works each:

  • Instrumental Music 1700–1820
  • Vocal Music
  • Music for Stage and Screen
  • Fusions

Exam 1hr 45mins Total of 80 marks.

You can find further information on the course in the GCSE Music Information Booklet. You can also contact Emma Hudson, the Director of Music for more information.