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Modern Foreign Languages

These courses enable pupils to express themselves with fluency and accuracy in German, French and Spanish. Pupils will gain an up-to-date understanding of the language itself and the vibrant culture in the countries where the languages are spoken.

GCSE courses in these languages concentrate on developing the skills of listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation that have been practised in Key Stage 3. Pupils who have been successful in Year 9 and who look forward to expressing themselves in French/Spanish/German are ideally suited to studying languages at GCSE. Throughout Key Stage 4 pupils will be required to use a variety of resources to inform themselves and become independent learners. Pupils should be able to pick up new language quickly and learn new vocabulary as it is introduced in lessons.

A GCSE in a Modern Foreign Language will appeal to pupils who have an interest in different countries and their people, languages and cultures. They provide the depth and breadth of study needed for progression to AS and A-Level courses.

There are close European links both in leisure activities and in business. The ability to understand and speak a second European language is essential in today’s global world. Linguists develop many useful and transferable skills and GCSE qualifications in languages are highly regarded amongst universities and employers.


• You will develop language skills in a variety of contexts on different topic areas such as school, environment, free time and healthy living.

• You will become more confident in expressing & exploring your ideas, opinions, experiences and aspirations as well as understanding those of others.

• Studying a language will enhance your grammar skills in English, increase your problem-solving skills and improve your memory! You will truly stand out from the crowd.


Pupils’ progress will be assessed regularly throughout Key Stage 4 with final examinations taking place at the end of Year 11. The following skills make up the GCSE and carry equal weighting:

Listening (25%), Reading (25%), Speaking (25%) and Writing (25%).

Work-Related Learning, Career & Progression Routes:

The ability to speak a second language is an increasingly important skill in the global economy, especially,but not exclusively, in careers such as finance, tourism and international business. The aim is for pupils to develop essential communication skills, a wider understanding of foreign culture, a deeper understanding of language and grammar and a flexible outlook on the world.