You are welcome to join us for our next whole school Open Morning on March 8th at 10 am. Click 'Read More' to book your place.

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Modern Foreign Languages at Stover

With the acceleration of globalisation, media, economies, and modern technology – the ability to communicate in a foreign language is of significant importance. Our pupils learn not only how to master languages other than English but gain deep cultural understanding and insights that will prove invaluable to themselves and their future learning.

We teach French, German and Spanish at Stover. Our language teachers have a wealth of experience and use a wide range of technology and other interactive resource materials to promote cultural awareness and communication skills, which are valuable in so many aspects of a pupil’s development.

At Post-16 level, pupils are able to study languages at either AS or A-Level.

Trips and Residential Visits

The MFL faculty has a long tradition of running trips abroad. Recent trips have included a 4-day residential visit to Brittany in July 2019 and a 3-day cultural trip to Madrid in February 2020. We are currently exploring avenues to launch school exchanges and work experience places abroad for our A-Level pupils. In 2023 a trip to Munich during Activities week is scheduled and the aim of the faculty is to offer at least one foreign trip a year on a rotational basis. A trip to France is scheduled in 2024.