GCSE Results 2024
Stover pupils are celebrating another outstanding set of GCSE results with over ¼ of all papers receiving top grades (7-9). Particular congratulations to Elen Stone and Patrick Thompson, who are both moving into Stover School’s Sixth Form, for achieving 11 grade 9s, 3 grade 8s and 4 grade 7s between them. Others with 5 or more grade 8s and 9s include Annie Alden, Hudson Cooper-Thompson, Woody Johansen-Berg, Michael Ignatenko, and Katy Schramm. In such a non-selective cohort, great credit must also go to all those who achieved above their nationally scaled target grades, with Elizabeth Davis, Samuel Preston, Livvy McCarthy and Sophie Pitts all achieving more than 1½ grades higher than expected in each subject.
New Head, Mrs Caroline Ward, was delighted with the level of academic success achieved by all pupils, noting that it obviously reflects the committed and skilful teaching of all those involved with these pupils, and of course the spirit and determination of the pupils themselves.